
Empty food boxes + scissors = drawer organizers

We all need drawer organizers right? I'm magnetically drawn to any sort of organizer but I usually balk at spending money on something that is permanently hidden in a drawer just to organize the miscellaneous junk that has gathered there. Plus, I never know if they will fit my drawer or what configuration I would need. For an easier, less expensive, and good-for-the-planet solution look in your pantry instead!
You can measure and draw a line around your box or you can just freehand it like me. You can adjust the height according to what you'll be storing inside. The boxes can be used from any end, just use clear packing tape to close up any open side.
BelladiadrawerorganizerexampleI also use empty dry goods boxes to wrap presents in even though it can be a little embarrassing when the recipient doesn't realize it and starts thanking you for Cheerios or graham crackers ;)

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