
Create a Fun Cocktail Ring Out of Buttons!


• Button with a shank
• Metal file
• 1 mm elastic rubber banding
• Cutting tool
• 20-30 Seed beads
• 2 mm crimp bead
• Crimping tool
Step 1. Choose a button that has a shank.
A shank is a protruding ring on the back of the button. Sometimes the shank can be sharp. Be sure to file it with a metal file to smooth it down.

Step 2. Measure a length of elastic to fit the finger for the ring.
Choose 1 mm elastic banding. Anything smaller will be break easily and anything larger will be too big for the seed beads. Give yourself enough extra tail to be able to pull the elastic through the crimp bead later.


Step 3. Thread the seed beads through the elastic, the button shank, and the crimp bead.
Use 20 or so seed beads. (Seed beads are the small beads. The crimp bead is the small metal bead.)
Step 4. Thread the opposite end of the elastic through the crimp bead from the other end to form a circle.
Don’t let go of the tail as you thread the opposite end through the crimp bead.
Step 5. Pull tight and check the size one more time.
If you need to make adjustments by adding or removing seed beads, this is the time.

Step 6. Crimp the bead by squeezing it flat using the crimping tool. Then crimp the bead again in half. Trim the extra thread as close as possible to the crimp bead.
You are finished!